What personal data do we collect about you

When you are a worker, we may process personal data about you such as:

  • Identification information – your name, contact information (including home address, home phone number and mobile phone number), citizenship and country of residence, date of birth, (in exceptional cases) gender, digital signature and languages spoken.
  • Professional information – we may process personal data related to your work including (without limitation) your job title, description and location, your department, professional email address, reporting levels, and employment status (full-time/part-time/etc.).
  • Financial information – financial information including (without limitation) your bank account number, bank details, VAT number.
  • Salary information – we may process salary information including (without limitation) recurring payments and benefits, your bonus.
  • Performance-related information – performance-related information including (without limitation) information on your performance reviews.
  • Disciplinary information - information relating to disciplinary measures taken against you, if any.
  • Grievance information – In order to assist in the reporting of grievances and (suspected) misconduct within the AUSY Group of companies, we have established dedicated channels through which stakeholders may voice concerns, either through local reporting mechanisms in place at the level of the local AUSY Group companies or, for serious misconduct (including whistleblowing), through our Integrity Line, the AUSY Group reporting facility. Whenever we receive a grievance report or a report about (suspected) misconduct we may process personal data related to the complainant, the other individuals mentioned in the complaint and the person(s) that is/are subject of the complaint and/or of the investigation into the complaint. 
  • Government issued identifiers – government issued identifiers including (without limitation) the national identification number, social insurance number and social security number, as legally required.
  • CV/resumes and other recruitment information – your CV/resume and other relevant information (such as your photograph, interview notes and information included in the cover letter or as part of the application process).
  • Travel and expense data – travel and accommodation information and expenses including (without limitation) travel itineraries, hotel and travel reward cards.
  • Information you choose to share with us – information you choose to share with us, including (without limitation) information you share when using IT support or calling the helpline, and information about you that may be conveyed by your use of a webcam in communicating with us.
  • Vehicle information – information about your personal or company car including (without limitation) your license plate, parking tickets and driving fines.
  • Photographs and video footage – when participating in external or internal events, meetings, conferences or other events, we may process photographs or videos of you.
  • Trade union membership – data revealing your trade union membership.
  • Family and dependent information – information related to your family and dependents including (without limitation) details regarding family composition (names, genders, ages), any "special needs" or education requirements for children or dependents, special needs of elderly parents, emergency contact information. 
  • Information related to identification/access control cards – employee identification and access control cards may contain your name, photograph, employee number and may be linked to other details on record (department, phone number, license plate).
  • CCTV footage – we may process footage of you obtained through our use of CCTV surveillance systems for security reasons.
  • Survey results – we may process your responses to questions in employee surveys.
  • Information related to your usage of AUSY devices, software and access to AUSY ’s network – we may process information related to your use of our devices, software and access to our networks, including (without limitation) your browsing history, your use of email, internet and social media, whether at the workplace, on our equipment or otherwise through our networks. 
  • Visitor information – when accessing our buildings, we may collect your name, contact details, car plate number, identification, etc. for security reasons. Where we are legally required to do so we may also ask you to disclose information about your health (including information related to viral infections, flu, etc.) for health and safety reasons.
  • Special categories of data, such as: 
    • Health-related information – health-related information including (without limitation) injuries and exposure, incident reports, disability, sickness and absences and maternity leave information, as legally required.
    • Ethnic origin – information revealing your ethnic origin, as legally required. 

To the extent we process these special categories of data, we will protect, secure and use that information in a manner consistent with this notice and applicable laws.

  • Trade sanctions information relating to you - we may verify whether you are a politically exposed person, a specially designated national or otherwise subject to sanctions under applicable laws or regulations.

Why do we need your personal data

AUSY processes your personal data only for the purposes specified below:

Purposes for which we process your personal data Legal grounds for the processing of your personal data
General HR management and administration purposes (including workforce management) Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations
Compensation, payroll and expense reimbursement (including reporting and billing to clients) Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security/tax legal obligations
Insurance, pension and other benefits Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations
Performance management, career development and training Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include the development and training of employees
Fleet management Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include safeguarding our assets
Disciplinary and grievance management, investigations, appeals (including managing complaints) and handling reports through AUSY’s misconduct reporting procedure Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes
Dispute management and litigation Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes
Health and safety management The processing is necessary for the performance of the worker’s employment contract; and is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations.
Managing holidays, leaves and other absences Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business
Compliance with labor, tax and social security laws and other legal or regulatory requirements (e.g. equal opportunity and workplace diversity requirements) Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and compliance with our legal obligations under labor, tax, social security and other laws and regulations
IT support Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems
Facilities, security and contingency planning purposes Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include safeguarding and securing our assets, our facilities, our information systems and our people
Network and device usage optimization and related security controls (including company network access and authentication) Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems
Preventing, detecting and investigating fraud and other crimes, and compliance with sanctions regimes (including identification of politically exposed persons, specially designated nationals and screening against sanctions lists) Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes Processing is also necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including when authorities or administrations ask information about a worker)
Emergency and disaster management Where the above ground is not possible because local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent
Relocation, mobility and travel management Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business
To monitor and enforce compliance with AUSY policies and procedures For the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems
To monitor and enforce compliance with legal obligations applicable to us (including the requirements set out in your contract with us) Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes
Recruitment and staffing (a) (pre)contractual necessity for our services when matching (e.g. via Terms & Conditions on the website) or when we enter into an employment contract with you we require some data to be able to draw up this contract and to then be able to execute it correctly; (b) If and only if the local process would not amount to a legally binding contractual relationship under (a) or if applicable law prescribes otherwise, the exception could be based on our legitimate interest to build and maintain a relationship;
Employee surveys, statistical purposes Based on our legitimate interest to survey our workers so as to better understand their needs, to improve our services and to build and maintain a good relationship with our workers
Events Based on your consent to participate to events so as to better build and maintain a good relationship with the community of workers
To manage memberships of employees to professional associations Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business
To perform internal and external audits Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business, including compliance with laws and regulations
To conduct corporate transactions (including mergers, acquisitions and divestments) Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by AUSY, which include AUSY ‘sinterest in developing its business through mergers, acquisitions and divestments

How long we keep your personal data

We may keep your personal data long during the duration of your work contract, and if necessary for a a longer duration in  case of any actual or potential dispute (e.g. we need this personal data to establish or defend legal claims), in which case we will keep your personal data until the end of such dispute; and/or for us to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation (e.g. for tax or pension purposes), in which case we will keep your personal data for as long as required by that obligation.